FAQ Contents:
Buying a Rottweiler from Von Der Nonke:
- What documentation is included with each puppy?
- How can I get my puppy?
- Do you dock tails?
- Will I have to pay any subscription fees for the micochip?
- Do you offer any type of health guarantee and/or return policy?
- What happens if we realize that a rottweiler is the not the right type of dog for us?
Selecting a Puppy:
- Is it better to choose a male or female puppy?
- Will it be a good idea to get two puppies? They will have each other as close company and playmates?
- Will my puppy grow up to look like its parents? For example, will a rottweiler puppy grow up to be big-headed like its big-headed mother and/or father?
Rottweiler Health:
- What is the life expectancy of a rottweiler?
- How big will my rottweiler be once fully grown?
- How often should I take my rottweiler to the vet?
- Is it necessary to regularly deworm my dog? If so, how often?
- Tick and flea control?
- At what age should I spay/neuter my rottweiler?
- Should I be concerned about my rottweiler getting fat after I spay/neuter it?
- What is Parvo and why should I be concerned?
- Are rottweilers prone to any particular genetic health conditions?
Buying a Rottweiler from Von Der Nonke
What documentation is included with each puppy?
You will recieve: the original KUSA registration document, original microchip certificate, and the original veterinary card with all up-to-date dewormings and vet visits recorded.
How can I get my puppy?
By appointment, you may personally visit, view, and pickup at our Kennel in the KZN North Coast. If you are further away, we can arrange arrange a quick and efficient specialist pet courier via road or air. In most cases, the puppy will leave Durban and reach you comfortably within a day.
Do you dock tails?
We neither dock tails nor do we support this unfortunate practice. Tail docking is medically proven to be both emotionally and physically traumatic. Furthermore, doing so is illegal in South Africa and in conflict with the ADRK breed standard.
Will I have to pay any subscription fees for the microchip?
Since our puppies are microchipped with IdentiPet, there is never any subscription fee. Your rottweiler is microchipped for life and its details are always scannable anywhere in the world. You can learn more on the IdentiPet website.
Do you offer any type of health guarantee and/or return policy?
Yes. Upon receiving the puppy, we recommend taking it to your nearest vet within seven days to confirm its health with a complete check-up. If any health issues are diagnosed within this time, we offer a complete money-back guarantee. Alternatively, we can offer you a free replacement puppy from our next available litter. Furthermore, with conditions applied, a 24 month health guarantee against genetic defects (such as hip and elbow dysplasia) is also provided at no extra cost.
What happens if we realize that a rottweiler is not the right type dog for us?
Rest assured, we are always here to help if you would no longer like to keep your rottweiler, irrespective of the reason. We will gladly assist in arranging a rehoming to a compatible new owner. Please speak to us as soon as possible on your concerns. It is saddening for us to see any dog having to join an animal shelter.
Selecting a Puppy
Is it better to choose a male or female puppy?
In the choice between male rottweilers and female rottweilers, there is ultimately no right or wrong answer except what is best for you. Each gender has its own pros and cons, which should be weighed against your family lifestyle, expectations, and experience.
Female rottweilers are smaller in weight and height, making them easier to physically manage and control. Males grow larger and feature greater strength and muscle mass. Their behavior, temperament, face, and body structure can be more dominant and imposing, which is beneficial for security. Males are sometimes a bit stubborn and slightly harder to train, however, both are considered equal in loyalty and intelligence. We generally recommend a female puppy if you’re a first-time dog owner.
Will it be a good idea to get two puppies? They will have each other as close company and playmates?
We advise against purchasing two puppies together. Waiting at least a year if you would like a second puppy is suggested. This is to avoid Littermate Syndrome, which is a behavioral issue that can occur when two puppies – who are raised together – develop an unhealthy bond/obsession with each other. Obedience training may become difficult as the two puppies are more attached to each other instead of the owner. Another reason is that it will also allow the puppy to bond more closely with its new owner.
Will my puppy grow up to look like its parents? For example, will a rottweiler puppy grow up to be big-headed like its big-headed mother and/or father?
By breeding selection, we are attempting to produce superior, well-balanced, and true-to-form rottweilers. We aim to produce big head rottweilers that are both practical and with correct muzzle size. Having said that, we must caution about the fallacy of unscrupulous breeders who promote the sale of big head rottweilers without considering the genetics of the bloodline.
Animals can resemble their parents as much as human children can resemble their parents, grand parents, great-grand parents, and so on. A dog will not exclusively show the characteristics of its parents, but also the traits of its paternal and maternal bloodlines.
When it comes to inheriting appearance, every dog carries a genetic phenotype and a genetic genotype. The phenotype refers to the genetic makeup of a dog from an observable visual perspective. For example, a dog has very short ears, or a rottweiler has a white spot on its chest. On the other hand, the genotype is the true genetic makeup of a dog whether or not it happens to be visually shown. For example, a rottweiler has a mother with very short ears. The son inherits the genetic traits for short ears from his mother and may pass it on to his own offspring, however, the son himself has normal-sized ears.
This is why experienced breeders do not select breeding pairs based on the physical appearance of the sire and dam alone. Whilst a mother and father may both have beautiful big heads, the gene of a small-headed paternal grandfather could result in a small headed puppy. In this case, the father carried a small-head gene in his genotype, but it was not shown phenotypically.
By considering both parental phenotype and ancestral genotype when selecting sire and dam, expert breeders can work towards producing their goal dogs. However, breeding is far from a perfect science. Pedigree, dominant genes, recessive genes, genetic defects, and the pure mysteries of natural functions all play a roles in determining appearance. There is no guarantee that desirable traits (such as a big head in rottweilers) will be passed from parents to progeny. One should be careful of unscrupulous (and often un-registered) breeders who make these types of claims in their sales pitches.
Additionally, environmental elements such as diet and exercise can also cause a dog to look different from its parents. Excessive exercise in young puppies (not recommended), for example, can permanently impair the growing potential of their bones and muscles.
Rottweiler Health
What is the life expectancy of a rottweiler?
The average life expectancy for a rottweiler is between 8-12 years. Females rottweilers tend to live longer than males.
How big will my rottweiler be once fully grown?
Fully mature males are generally between 61-68cm and around 50kg. Females are smaller at 56-63cm and about 42kg.
How often should I take my rottweiler to the vet?
According to the South African Vetinary Association (SAVA), annual health checks are generally advised for dogs. View their resource on vet visits and health checks. Several warning signs which also require vet visits include but are not limited to: lethargy, poor appetite, excessive hunger and thirst, vomitting, loose stools, and sudden weight loss.
Is it necessary to regularly deworm my dog? If so, how often?
Yes. Whilst your puppy will be dewormed when purchased, regular deworming for puppies and adults is vital for on-going prevention and treatment. Worm infestations can lead to serious cases of diarrhea, bloody stools, vomiting, and epilepsy. According to SAVA, deworm puppies every three months and adult dogs every three to four months. Learn more about deworming from SAVA.
Tick and flea control?
Mainly, dogs will get ticks and fleas from the outdoors and other animals. These parasites thrive in shady areas and in tall grass, shrubs, bushes, overgrown foliage, and the like. Avoid such areas when going out on walks. As for your garden, mow regularly and shorten shrubs and foliage. Garden waste and leaves should be removed and not left to compost in the open. Animals such as cats, rabbits, birds and other dogs can also introduce ticks and fleas to your dog and garden.
Infections vary in severity. Ticks and fleas in some areas can grow resistance to certain treatments. This makes it difficult for there to be a single ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. An over the counter spot-on product is sufficient in some cases. But with others, specialist sprays, shampoos, powders, collars, injections, or oral medication is necessary. Chemical cleaning in your home and garden might also be required. We suggest speaking with your vet before purchasing any products, especially those sold in supermarkets. Whilst generally effective, some generics tend to be short-term and too weak for serious infections.
Related: How to Dog-Proof Your Garden
At what age should I spay/neuter my rottweiler?
It is recommended to spay/neuter rottweilers after at least 18 to 24 months old. This allows the rottweiler to reach physical and skeletal maturity and for growth plates to close.
From around six months old and until spayed, female rottweilers will require extra attention during their heat cycles as they can become pregnant. Heat cycles last for about 21 days and occur twice year. During these times, the female needs to kept secure and protected from males to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
Should I be concerned about my rottweiler getting fat after I spay/neuter it?
No, the sterilization procedure does not cause a dog to become fat. Less exercise, excessive eating, and poor diet can cause an increase in weight.
What is Parvo and why should I be concerned?
Rottweilers are considered high risk for Canine Parvovirus (‘Parvo’). This is a deadly gastrointestinal disease with a 50% mortality rate for puppies between six and twelve weeks old. Puppies can die within 48-72 hours of early symptoms if not treated. Signs of parvo include lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, anorexia, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. Death is usually caused by severe dehydration or organ failure.
Because the parvo infection progresses so quickly and severely, contact your vet immediately if your dog experiences any of the above symptoms or if you suspect infection. Early diagnosis and treatment of parvo is absolutely vital for the life of your puppy. For current and prospective dog owners, we advise reading these resources on Parvo: Canine Parvovirus Factsheet (American Kennel Club) and Parvo in Dogs (PetMD).
Are rottweilers prone to any particular genetic health conditions?
Rottweilers are generally considered a healthy breed. With any pedigree line, however, some genetic conditions can be expected.
Some rottweilers are predisposed to hip and/or elbow dysplasia – a type of osteoarthritis. The cause can be entirely genetic, environmental, or a combination of the two. There are also rottweilers who have been indiscriminately bred (and sometimes in-bred) for an exaggerated large head. These dogs may suffer from breathing difficulties and heat-sensitivity owing to a weak and squashed snubbed nose (Brachycephalic syndrome).
For these reasons, purchasing from a reliable breeder is recommended. Where a puppy mill or backyard breeder will simply breed indiscriminately, reputable and experienced breeders take the process carefully. The traits of the bloodlines are examined and breeding pairs are selected for balance and true-to-form breed standard conformation. Strict health and skeletal screening for both sire and dam is only natural for a reputable breeder. Careful and selective breeding goes a long way in minimizing potential health issues in rottweilers and all pedigree dogs.
Will my puppy be trained?
Our rottweiler puppies for sale are socialised with people and other dogs, but do not come trained. The essentials of obedience, potty, household, and garden rules training is the responsibility of the owner from puppy’s first day home. While not compulsory, formal and professional training is helpful and very much advised. ‘Puppy pre-school’ classes are laid-back and are for puppies around 10 to 20 weeks old. They offer a good boost for socialisation and excercise. Actual obedience training generally starts around six months old.
If you are looking for a trained rottweiler, learn about our trained dogs for sale.
Are there any rottweiler trainers or training centres that you can recommend?
It will be best to get in touch the Rottweiler Working & Breeding Association. They are a KUSA registered and specialist training organisation for rottweilers. They will have a good understanding of rottweiler-suitable training providers in your area. Alternatively, you may contact KUSA directly.
Are rottweiler puppies easy to train?
Yes. Rottweilers are extremely intelligent and rank in the top 10 of dog breeds for obedience and working intelligence. They generally learn and retain much faster than other breeds and are keen to obey from a young age. It is important for training to be consistent and firm without excessive harshness.